Saturday, May 16, 2009


Well, slap my ass and call me Sally.

Two shows that I never thought had a chance at renewal got a reprieve. Both Dollhouse and Better Off Ted have been renewed by FOX and ABC, respectively.

According to Michel Ausiello over at Entertainment Weekly, the budget for Dollhouse has been drastically reduced (and I loooove his idea of giving the douchey Topher the boot) all as part of the deal for renewal.

In other good news, Castle has been renewed as well! Hurray!

I suggest checking over at Ausiello's page at least daily for updates. The networks are due to make all their final decisions regarding their fall schedules next week starting on Monday.

UPDATES: Chuck is now officially renewed for 13 episodes! Yay! But, Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles is officially cancelled. Boo! You suck FOX! I can't believe they would keep Dollhouse but can T:TSCC. Maybe because it's so much more expensive with all that terminator CGI?

1 comment:

Monkey Sri said...

*smack* There ya go, Sally!

By the way, thanks for the updates ;)