Let me tell you what I like about the show: Bridget.

Sure she's blonde and a bit spacey. But don't you dare call her stupid - she's got a Master's Degree (admittedly in Communication), and is clearly doing this whole Playboy thing to advance her career. The fact of the matter is that, in America today, celebrity is a commodity. Bridget is all about building her portfolio. Besides, she's not anorexic like some models (actually, none of the girlfriends look as if they starve themselves). Hell, I'd date her ... until her thirst for fame and fortune became overwhelming, and we would be forced to part ways.
I can also tolerate Holly, the girlfriend-in-chief. It seems like she honestly loves Hef - creepy, yet endearing. Also, she rules that house with an iron fist. Respect. Kendra, on the other hand... Ugh, that girl is so trashy, and irritating. At the same time, I feel sorry for her. She's the red-headed stepchild of the group (no offense to red-heads in general, MC). By acting so uncouth, she can pretend that being different from the other girls is a choice and not an inherent character trait. Good luck with that.
Bottom line, you have to buy into the fantasy lifestyle. The women of the Playboy mansion obviously don't feel objectified. They live in a castle surrounded by friends, a doting

You might argue that The Girls Next Door is just an excuse to show naked ladies on television in the middle of the day. Somehow, I can't see a man sitting through thirty minutes of girly chatter in order to see four seconds of digitally-censored boobies. I'm forced to conclude that the target audience for this show isn't pervy old men sitting alone on their couches in stained undershirts, eating directly from peanut butter jars. Rather, The Girls Next Door is intended to be enjoyed by any and all watchers of reality television (including a nerdy third-wave feminist who overthinks everything, including her TV preferences).
Oh Selvi--you have captured my feelings about this show completely!
Watching it makes me feel smart because Kendra is SO dumb. Bridget is the kind of girl I think I could be friends with, and Holly... I'm pretty sure is planning the hostile takeover of Playboy with each and every breath Hef takes (especially as they get more and more faint...)
It's a guilty pleasure that I just don't feel so guilty about. And yes, my feminist side shudders a bit, but who's to say feminism isn't simply a woman's right to get naked in a magazine?!?! Okay, I won't pursue that one, but it gives one pause on the actual dimensions of feminism...
I'm just glad to know I'm not the only educated, feminist who loves this show...
FORGOT to leave my name on the last one... it's jojo... and maybe I am closer to Kendra than I think....
Ha, that reminds me of this article in The Onion: Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does. Also, "especially as they get more and more faint..." made me LOL. Thanks for the comment (and the courage to come out as a TGND fan)!
Dude, seriously, i love this show. Like, have the first season on DVD love. And i catch a lot of shit for it, but i don't care. I haven't watched it in a while, due to a less-than-enthusiastic set of roommates, but i agree that Bridget is by far the best. And Holly ... the two of them could definitely take over the world. I'm so glad i'm not alone!
If I had known TGND was so popular, I would have made Bridget Secret Girlfriend of the Week :-P
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