Oh, Don Draper. How I've missed you!
Welcome back to Mad Men, fellow tv sluts! It's been almost an entire year since we last visited Sterling Cooper Ad Agency, and I for one am glad to be back. It's 1962, and we've skipped ahead, what? A year? A year and a half? Something like that. The point is, time has passed.
Things have changed since last season; Don's revelation regarding the importance of his family in last year's season finale means that he goes home right after work and seems to have cut out the cheating. Although only time will tell on that one. Unfortunately for him, he seems to be having a bit of trouble in the, umm, bedroom department. Hearing Betty's, "it's alright, we have all night" reassurances was hard to take, especially since Don has always been the epitome of manliness on the show. Although that's probably the point.

Also, there was some definite awkwardness with Peggy and Pete, which was inevitable. He has no idea she was pregnant, and we have no idea what happened to her baby. I assume she put it up for adoption, but who knows? I cannot WAIT for when Peggy tells him the truth. Fat farm, my ass. Pete is such a douchebag. Even the actor's connection to the Buffyverse (what up, Connor?) can't save him from my wrath.
So much happened in this episode, but the interesting thing is, it was all in the characterization and in the things people said (and didn't say) to one another. In terms of actual action, there seemed to be very little going on, but it's all broiling under the surface. The biggest news is probably the arrival of the new copier in the office, who knows what repercussions that will have? Well, I suppose the hiring of a bunch of 24 year old copy-writers will make some waves, but we'll have to wait and see.
By the way, Ken, Paul, and Harry are all still totally interchangeable to me. Although Paul (or Harry?) has the beard now, so at least that will help. But Salvatore has the real beard, if you catch my meaning.
PS: Cut-throat Bitch (a.k.a. Amber) is back on the show after her untimely death on House! Woot!