As we inch closer to Thanksgiving (and I mean inch. Is it just me or is this week draaaagging?) we need to take some time and take stock of things we are thankful for. Family, friends, blah blah blah. I mean the things we are REALLY thankful for, like good television.
And what better way to give thanks to good television, then by watching some of the best Thanksgiving moments that tv has to offer? That way we can give thanks and be entertained. It's a win/win.
First up: one of the most classic Thanksgiving moments EVER. And for once, my use of caps is not hyperbole. I mean it, this is one of the most enduring television clips associated with Thanksgiving. Ladies and gentleman, the WKRP in Cincinnati Turkey Drop:
Next, we jump forward a few decades to a new Thanksgiving tradition: Slapsgiving. I don't know about you, but I prefer my holidays with unrepentant violence and jaunty songs:
Finally, I guess we should spend some time actually pondering what Thanksgiving is about. And I personally can't think of a better spokesman than the best politician of all time, Jed Bartlett.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, pie, light traffic, friends, and more pie.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
This past week saw two big fashion reality shows pick their winners. On the CW, Tyra crowned Nicole as America's Next Top Model, and over on Lifetime, Project Runway picked the "villain" of the season, Irina, as the season 6 winner.
What's that? What are my thoughts? Well, I'm so glad you asked!
Well, you can't deny that Nicole looks like a model. Despite Tyra's insistence that this season was all about picking a "petite" model, Nicole measures 5'7, so not really that petite. She's actually a whole inch taller than me. Because the only thing stopping me from being a model is my height. And if you believe that, I have some land in Florida to sell you.
The Top Model finale came down to two models: Nicole, a geeky, shy, and weird redhead (so you know I loved her), and Laura, a sweet hick from a small town in Kentucky or somewhere, who wore outfits made by her grandmother and spent her spare time pre-show castrating bulls. Yes, castrating. But for the first time in Top Model history, both finalists were nice, pretty, and actually really talented models. I was rooting for Nicole because we redheads gotta stick together, but would not have been upset if Laura had taken it. Honestly, they were both deserving and how many times can you say that about a reality show?
As for Project Runway, it was Irina and her collection of New York-inspired, modern warrior wear that stole the show and clinched her the win. The other two finalists' (Althea and Carol Hannah) collections seemed immature and piecemeal in comparison, so it was pretty obvious that Irina would be taking the win. Thus providing an appropriate conclusion to Project Runway's most BORING SEASON EVER. Seriously, I am so pleased this show is heading back to New York next year and Nina and Michael will be present in every episode. Because, this season has been a yawner, for reals.
There is some controversy over Irina's win, but honestly, I think it will come to nothing. I also think that anyone who viewed the final collections with an objective eye has to admit that Irina's was the most technically advanced, if not most colorful. That was a lot of black, girlfriend.
But there you go! Two fashion themed reality shows ended, and in my opinion, the right people won! I can't say whether any of them will go on to take the fashion industry by storm, but hey, that's not really the point is it? Just take some pretty pictures and show me some pretty clothes. That's all I really ask.
Oh, stop looking so smug, Irina. You may not be the villain the editors tried to make you out to be, but you're no pretty princess either.
What's that? What are my thoughts? Well, I'm so glad you asked!

The Top Model finale came down to two models: Nicole, a geeky, shy, and weird redhead (so you know I loved her), and Laura, a sweet hick from a small town in Kentucky or somewhere, who wore outfits made by her grandmother and spent her spare time pre-show castrating bulls. Yes, castrating. But for the first time in Top Model history, both finalists were nice, pretty, and actually really talented models. I was rooting for Nicole because we redheads gotta stick together, but would not have been upset if Laura had taken it. Honestly, they were both deserving and how many times can you say that about a reality show?

There is some controversy over Irina's win, but honestly, I think it will come to nothing. I also think that anyone who viewed the final collections with an objective eye has to admit that Irina's was the most technically advanced, if not most colorful. That was a lot of black, girlfriend.
But there you go! Two fashion themed reality shows ended, and in my opinion, the right people won! I can't say whether any of them will go on to take the fashion industry by storm, but hey, that's not really the point is it? Just take some pretty pictures and show me some pretty clothes. That's all I really ask.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
So Sayeth the Lord
Things I love about Tim Gunn:
1) He always looks incredibly polished and put together
2) He is supremely eloquent
3) He has a fantastic sense of humor
4) He will always tell you the truth...whether you are a designer on Project Runway or a reporter
5) He says things like "looney kajooney"
See for yourself in this great Tim Gunn interview. It's nice to see someone affiliated with the show talk about how this current season hasn't exactly wowed fans or even met expectations. In fact, if I had only one word to sum up season 6, I would have to go with BORING.
Seriously, it's been so boring that everytime I try to talk about it I ju.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
1) He always looks incredibly polished and put together
2) He is supremely eloquent
3) He has a fantastic sense of humor
4) He will always tell you the truth...whether you are a designer on Project Runway or a reporter
5) He says things like "looney kajooney"
See for yourself in this great Tim Gunn interview. It's nice to see someone affiliated with the show talk about how this current season hasn't exactly wowed fans or even met expectations. In fact, if I had only one word to sum up season 6, I would have to go with BORING.
Seriously, it's been so boring that everytime I try to talk about it I ju.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Monday, November 16, 2009
And in further Joss news...
Buffy Season 8 Animated Webisodes!
Slightly disconcerting quote from linked article:
"Now that Dollhouse is winding up, Cabin in the Woods is delayed until 2011 and there's no new Dr. Horrible on the immediate horizon, this is the best news yet for a Whedonite."
Don't say it like that, SciFi Wire! It sounds bad when you say it like that! Though I don't really care about Cabin in the Woods. Take your time on that one, Joss. Prioritize.
TV Slut Reaction:
Maggie Cats - Cool! I hope the voice actors they get don't sound like cheap imitations though.
Monkey Sri - For serious.
Slightly disconcerting quote from linked article:
"Now that Dollhouse is winding up, Cabin in the Woods is delayed until 2011 and there's no new Dr. Horrible on the immediate horizon, this is the best news yet for a Whedonite."
Don't say it like that, SciFi Wire! It sounds bad when you say it like that! Though I don't really care about Cabin in the Woods. Take your time on that one, Joss. Prioritize.
TV Slut Reaction:
Maggie Cats - Cool! I hope the voice actors they get don't sound like cheap imitations though.
Monkey Sri - For serious.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Totally Called It!
SciFi Wire: Serious work on Dr. Horrible sequel could start soon.
Whedon's brother and co-writer Zack Whedon tells MTV that the sequel will get seriously underway once Joss' just-canceled Fox series Dollhouse wraps for the season.Huzzah! And thanks to Maggie Cats for the link :)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This Just In
In rather un-shocking news, it appears that Dollhouse has been canceled. Informative links:
The Live Feed: Fox cancels 'Dollhouse'
Comments on Whedonesque (including Joss)
The feeling in the air is not so much indignation as resignation. I mean ... c'mon. Who didn't see this coming? This is just further evidence that Joss should stick to teh intarwebs where he is appreciated and can practice his art free from oppression.
The Live Feed: Fox cancels 'Dollhouse'
Comments on Whedonesque (including Joss)
The feeling in the air is not so much indignation as resignation. I mean ... c'mon. Who didn't see this coming? This is just further evidence that Joss should stick to teh intarwebs where he is appreciated and can practice his art free from oppression.
Un. Comfortable!
I'm a big fan of Glee. Let me just make that clear at the outset. Last night marked its return with new episodes after three weeks of reruns. I was really excited; I had heard good things about the episode, Wheels, and was looking forward to the return of the show and the songs, specifically, Defying Gravity from Wicked.
And while last night's episode had some serious moments of win, specifically Kurt's father, and Sue's tenderness towards her sister with Down Syndrome, parts of it made me uncomfortable. Scratch that, extremely uncomfortable.
Things got off to a bad start when Will brought up to the entire Glee club that the school could not afford to pay for the wheelchair-accessible bus that would be needed for Artie to ride with them all to Sectionals. Way to embarrass the kid in front of everyone, Will. Seriously, maybe we could have displayed some tact there? Then, the kids reacted with surprising and casual cruelty stating that Artie could just get a ride with his Dad. After all the talk about sticking together no matter what, it didn't fit with the characters for them to be so dismissive. Finally, when Will observed Artie struggling a bit to tie his shoelace, he said, "Let me help you with that!" and promptly bent down and tied it for him.
Now look, I'm no etiquette expert, but I would never presume to tie someone's shoelace who was in a wheelchair without asking their permission first. It seemed totally rude, and even though Artie seemed cool with it, it bothered me.
Things picked up from there, as I noted above with instances of awesomeness from Kurt's Dad, and weirdly, Sue, but at the very end of the episode when Artie announced that he would use the money from a bake sale to make the school auditorium wheelchair-accessible, Finn busted out with some comment along the lines of, "that'll be loads easier than lifting you up and down the stairs everytime!" and everyone laughed along. Awkward.
This is definitely not the first time that Glee has pushed the boundaries of good taste. In the past, I always defended the show, noting that it was firmly grounded in satire and fantasy dance sequences. But the parts of last night's episode that I described above didn't have that feel to me. Maybe it's because the jokes themselves weren't actually funny, or that the writers were having characters act, well, out of character.
Or perhaps it's my own hang-ups: maybe I'm more comfortable when the show makes jokes targeted at the kids' races or sexuality because that's somehow ok these days. But in any event, the weird comments and actions regarding Artie, and to some extent, Becky (a special needs student that Sue put on the Cherrios) made me uncomfortable.
I wasn't "offended" per se, in the clutching of my pearls sense, and I'm not going to stop watching or even make more of a haboo about this than I already have. But I just wanted to register my distaste to some things that went down last night. I think I'm going to chalk it up to the show still finding that balance between humor, pathos, and satire, and leave it at that.
Anybody else have a similar reaction? Or think I'm just overly-sensitive? Comment away!
And while last night's episode had some serious moments of win, specifically Kurt's father, and Sue's tenderness towards her sister with Down Syndrome, parts of it made me uncomfortable. Scratch that, extremely uncomfortable.
Things got off to a bad start when Will brought up to the entire Glee club that the school could not afford to pay for the wheelchair-accessible bus that would be needed for Artie to ride with them all to Sectionals. Way to embarrass the kid in front of everyone, Will. Seriously, maybe we could have displayed some tact there? Then, the kids reacted with surprising and casual cruelty stating that Artie could just get a ride with his Dad. After all the talk about sticking together no matter what, it didn't fit with the characters for them to be so dismissive. Finally, when Will observed Artie struggling a bit to tie his shoelace, he said, "Let me help you with that!" and promptly bent down and tied it for him.
Now look, I'm no etiquette expert, but I would never presume to tie someone's shoelace who was in a wheelchair without asking their permission first. It seemed totally rude, and even though Artie seemed cool with it, it bothered me.
Things picked up from there, as I noted above with instances of awesomeness from Kurt's Dad, and weirdly, Sue, but at the very end of the episode when Artie announced that he would use the money from a bake sale to make the school auditorium wheelchair-accessible, Finn busted out with some comment along the lines of, "that'll be loads easier than lifting you up and down the stairs everytime!" and everyone laughed along. Awkward.
This is definitely not the first time that Glee has pushed the boundaries of good taste. In the past, I always defended the show, noting that it was firmly grounded in satire and fantasy dance sequences. But the parts of last night's episode that I described above didn't have that feel to me. Maybe it's because the jokes themselves weren't actually funny, or that the writers were having characters act, well, out of character.
Or perhaps it's my own hang-ups: maybe I'm more comfortable when the show makes jokes targeted at the kids' races or sexuality because that's somehow ok these days. But in any event, the weird comments and actions regarding Artie, and to some extent, Becky (a special needs student that Sue put on the Cherrios) made me uncomfortable.
I wasn't "offended" per se, in the clutching of my pearls sense, and I'm not going to stop watching or even make more of a haboo about this than I already have. But I just wanted to register my distaste to some things that went down last night. I think I'm going to chalk it up to the show still finding that balance between humor, pathos, and satire, and leave it at that.
Anybody else have a similar reaction? Or think I'm just overly-sensitive? Comment away!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I always wanted brothers like that...
Several months ago, Jeff was kind enough to lend me The Black Donnellys on DVD. I remember enjoying the first few episodes of the show before it was unceremoniously canned. According to Jeff, the later episodes of the first (read: only) season just kept getting better. This glowing review convinced me to take a second look at this short-lived show.
Within the first minutes my love of the show's extremely unreliable narrator, Joey Ice Cream, was born anew. He tells the story of the Donnelly brothers (Jimmy, Tommy, Kevin and Sean), four good, Catholic, Black Irish boys ... who happen to be mobsters. Well, kind of. Constrained by their circumstances (including their neighborhood, socioeconomic level, and tumultuous family history) the Donnellys have two choices - eat or be eaten. Tommy, protagonist and de facto leader of the family, has done everything he can to "get out." But his love for his brothers leads him down a dark path full of extortion, violence, and murder. Joey's narration is brilliant not only because he is a sidekick/accomplice; he is essentially an aspiring Donnelly. His point of view elevates the most morally ambiguous (at best) actions to the level of heroic feats. And because he loves the Donnellys, we learn to love them too.
For a while after cancellation, NBC made episodes available on their website - according to Wikipedia, it was the second-most streamed video (right after Heroes). Hmm... maybe a signal that the show deserved a second chance and a second season? Perhaps. Sadly, I only had time to watch the first six episodes before I could no longer conscience holding Jeff's DVDs hostage. Netflix to the rescue!
Within the first minutes my love of the show's extremely unreliable narrator, Joey Ice Cream, was born anew. He tells the story of the Donnelly brothers (Jimmy, Tommy, Kevin and Sean), four good, Catholic, Black Irish boys ... who happen to be mobsters. Well, kind of. Constrained by their circumstances (including their neighborhood, socioeconomic level, and tumultuous family history) the Donnellys have two choices - eat or be eaten. Tommy, protagonist and de facto leader of the family, has done everything he can to "get out." But his love for his brothers leads him down a dark path full of extortion, violence, and murder. Joey's narration is brilliant not only because he is a sidekick/accomplice; he is essentially an aspiring Donnelly. His point of view elevates the most morally ambiguous (at best) actions to the level of heroic feats. And because he loves the Donnellys, we learn to love them too.
For a while after cancellation, NBC made episodes available on their website - according to Wikipedia, it was the second-most streamed video (right after Heroes). Hmm... maybe a signal that the show deserved a second chance and a second season? Perhaps. Sadly, I only had time to watch the first six episodes before I could no longer conscience holding Jeff's DVDs hostage. Netflix to the rescue!
Monday, November 09, 2009
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance
I had high hopes for Battlestar Galactica's The Plan. I was really hoping it would explain what the hell the The Plan was. I mean I get that the final five cylons were kind of sort of the first five cylons who traveled from Earth to the colonies and created the other cylons who eventually conceived the plan to destroy all humanity blah blah blippidy blah.
But what the crap was the actual plan?
Alas, after watching the The Plan I am still confused and will have to visit the Battlestar Wiki to get the full answers. Because, to paraphrase Jeff, "it's not The Plan. It's more of How the Plan Completely Fell Apart."
If you want a well-acted, well-written companion piece to the BSG series, then The Plan is for you. It chronicles the destruction of the 12 colonies from the cylon point-of-view, and also shows how their entire well thought-out plan to destroy humanity went to shit about 10 seconds after the nukes fell due to the survival of the Galactica and her crew.
But that's not really what I wanted. I mean, it was interesting, and like I said, really well done. But I wanted to start on Earth, to see Ellen and the other final five come up with you know, THE PLAN. To learn what was up with Daniel, the first boxed cylon, to see how the final five created the others, and how (and why) they integrated themselves into humanity.
While The Plan answered some questions, it didn't answer the really important ones. I guess now we're left asking, will we ever get answers to those questions? Is this some brilliant ploy on the part of Ron Moore to keep the fandom begging for more movies? And who the crap did Dean Stockwell have to bribe to get himself so many scenes where he makes out with hot cylon chicks?
Final thought: if you're a BSG fan, check out The Plan. But don't expect it to actually explain The Plan. Think of it as a fun little post script to one of the finest dramas ever and you won't be disappointed. But if you expect to live up to its title, then I'm afraid you're bound to be let down.
But what the crap was the actual plan?
Alas, after watching the The Plan I am still confused and will have to visit the Battlestar Wiki to get the full answers. Because, to paraphrase Jeff, "it's not The Plan. It's more of How the Plan Completely Fell Apart."
If you want a well-acted, well-written companion piece to the BSG series, then The Plan is for you. It chronicles the destruction of the 12 colonies from the cylon point-of-view, and also shows how their entire well thought-out plan to destroy humanity went to shit about 10 seconds after the nukes fell due to the survival of the Galactica and her crew.
But that's not really what I wanted. I mean, it was interesting, and like I said, really well done. But I wanted to start on Earth, to see Ellen and the other final five come up with you know, THE PLAN. To learn what was up with Daniel, the first boxed cylon, to see how the final five created the others, and how (and why) they integrated themselves into humanity.
While The Plan answered some questions, it didn't answer the really important ones. I guess now we're left asking, will we ever get answers to those questions? Is this some brilliant ploy on the part of Ron Moore to keep the fandom begging for more movies? And who the crap did Dean Stockwell have to bribe to get himself so many scenes where he makes out with hot cylon chicks?
Final thought: if you're a BSG fan, check out The Plan. But don't expect it to actually explain The Plan. Think of it as a fun little post script to one of the finest dramas ever and you won't be disappointed. But if you expect to live up to its title, then I'm afraid you're bound to be let down.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Not sure what to think...
This week, on America's Next Top Model ...
Tyra exploits stereotypes?
In an episode with the innocuous title "Let's Go Surfing," Tyra paints the models brown and dresses them up in "ethnic" clothing. I think I speak for many when I say, the hell is this? Check out the comments on one of my favorite blogs, Sepia Mutiny, for some good discussion and some obligatory ranting.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Bless the USA... network
White Collar. Yet another quirky crime procedural from USA. It follows in the footsteps of established favorites like Monk as well as the latest, MacGuyver-inspired generation (Burn Notice and Royal Pains). But White Collar is most like Psych - it's a bromance... I mean, buddy flick.
The protagonists are Neal Caffrey (played by Matt Bomer, who you may recognize as Bryce from Chuck), a silver-tongued con-man fresh out of prison, and Peter Burke (played by Tim DeKay, who you may not recognize... I didn't) as the staid yet brilliant FBI Agent who caught him. The premise is that Caffrey has been released on a probational basis to help the FBI catch white-collar criminals like himself. He and Burke have an extremely congenial relationship for two former adversaries - so much so that Burke asks Caffrey to help him pick an anniversary present for his wife. You get the impression that this friendship is one of the only things keeping Caffrey from ditching his FBI babysitters and taking off after his ex-girlfriend (his real motivation for wanting out of prison).
Wifey is played by Tiffani-Amber Thiessen
As expected from a USA series, the crimes are clever and the minor characters are adorable. It reminds me of that late-nineties NBC show Players, which may have overstretched itself by including three ex-cons and a sexy female FBI agent. And if I remember correctly, it didn't delve too deeply into what it meant to the characters to be imprisoned-but-not, kept on a short leash by the FBI. White Collar has already brushed against this, and I do hope they develop it further in future episodes.
Did I mention the clothes are spectacular?
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
V for adequacy
Last night marked the premier of V. I think maggiecats blogged on it after comi con but i wanted to throw my two sense in. The show was meh. I never watched the 80s version so I had no preconceived notion on how the show should be. For those of you who don't know V is about alien "Visitors"' arriving to Earth. They appear all nice and sweet asking for water in exchange for technology. But we quickly realize they are not all smiles. All the critics out there are slamming the show because the Americans burst into applause when the aliens said they were "of peace." It was slightly ridiculous, but I think they were just excited aliens practically said "We come in peace." I would clap for that.
It was nice to see the return of some of our Sci Fi favorite actors. First Juliet was ok as an FBI agent who comes across a sleep cell of the "bad" visitors. Of course her name is actually, Elizabeth Mitchell, but who doesn't know her from Lost. I was happy to see that the lead male was the agent from the 4400, Joel Gretsch. The 4400 was USA's Xmen style show, which was canceled mid plot (and left me sad and mad). In fact, the writer on V was also on 4400. I see that as promising, but I understand why others are concerned. I love how they threw in Scott Wolfe to "bring in the ladies." LOL! This is not the early 90s, he doesn't "do it" for anyone anymore.
I don't think this show will have the buzz ABC was counting on. However, I think I will still tune in next week. Catch in on and make your own judgment.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Secret Boyfriend(s) of the Week
This is Mitchell and George.
Mitchell is a vampire. George is a werewolf.
Do you prefer tall, dark, and handsome? Maybe with a side of danger? Mitchell's got you covered.
Likes include: trying to blend in with humanity, but occasionally helping vampires take over the world. But only occasionally.
Or do you perhaps prefer an adorkable cuddly guy with little spectacles who once a month gets a bit wild in the sack?
Likes include: working in the local hospital, stuttering when upset, and occasionally turning into a violent, mindless animal. But only occasionally.
If you'd like to learn more about Mitchell or George, visit them at Being Human on BBC America or DVD. You'll also get to know their friend, Annie. She's a ghost. And enjoys making tea. Lots and lots of tea.
As for me, I can't really make up my mind between Mitchell or George. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Good thing I can have them both every Saturday night.

Do you prefer tall, dark, and handsome? Maybe with a side of danger? Mitchell's got you covered.

Or do you perhaps prefer an adorkable cuddly guy with little spectacles who once a month gets a bit wild in the sack?

If you'd like to learn more about Mitchell or George, visit them at Being Human on BBC America or DVD. You'll also get to know their friend, Annie. She's a ghost. And enjoys making tea. Lots and lots of tea.
As for me, I can't really make up my mind between Mitchell or George. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Good thing I can have them both every Saturday night.
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