But it looks like that's changing. This article reports that Nathan will be appearing in a FOX mid-season television show, Drive, about a race across America. Sounds like a dramatic version of The Amazing Race. But probably with more more murder and sex. Woo! Anyway, anything that brings Nathan back to me on a weekly basis automatically becomes awesome.
Oh, and the producer of the show? Tim Minear, duh.
See, priests can be snarky and cute! Of course, most of them won't rib your entrails out, but whatevs. All hail the return of Nathan!

And one more random Nathan fact. In January his movie, White Noise 2 opens. Sounds like a lame sequel, right? His wife in the movie is played by Starbuck from the new Battlestar Gallactica. Y'all I am so there. I don't care how bad it is. Nerds gotta represent!